Get it
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net2o currently is still experimental and the protocol can have incompatible changes at any time, so keep net2o up to date when you try it. Any day can be a “flag day”.

Get it for Debian GNU/Linux

I've created a Debian repository to make it easy to install net2o.

If you don't have https transport for apt installed, do that first, since I'll redirect you to https in any case:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https

Create a debian sources.list file pointing to the net2o repository, and add my key to the trust db so that Debian can verify the packets, update the repository data and install net2o.

Debian (>= Bullseye)

Make yourself root

sudo -s

Obtain the key

wget -O - | \
gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/net2o-archive-keyring.gpg

Create a one-line file for the repo: Set version to either oldstable/stable/testing/unstable, whatever fits your Debian.

cat >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/net2o.list <<EOF
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/net2o-archive-keyring.gpg] $version main

And then fetch the repository and install

apt update
apt install net2o-gui

Leave root


There are actually four repositories: oldstable, stable, testing and unstable; at the moment, all packages are the same; when net2o matures, oldstable/stable/testing/unstable will get different roles, just like Debian (stable=old and rusted, testing=new and somewhat tested, unstable=most recent). Binaries are available for amd64, arm64, i386, armhf, powerpc, armel, mips, and mipsel (in order of how often they get updated, essentially amd64 and arm64 are frequently updated, the others rarely). More depend on availability of Debian distributions that run on qemu…

Gforth binaries for those different Debians are different, corresponding to the available glibc, so

Key information (new Key from October 18th, 2017)

I changed to a Yubikey-based signature. The key's fingerprint is:

60E71A15 93575330 99A0AAF9 CAF021DB 3B7FA946

When you do an apt-key list, the result should contain this key:

pub   4096R/3B7FA946 2017-09-20
uid                  Bernd Paysan (yubikey) <>
sub   4096R/3E1896A1 2017-09-20
sub   4096R/50C9A69B 2017-09-20

Get it in a Docker Container

Pull the docker image from my Dockerhub account with

docker pull forthy42/net2o

Create a directory for the files net2o will use. This will be mounted as /net2o in the container. A minimal config file is needed for net2o to find the other data:

mkdir ~/
cat <<EOF  >~/

optionally copy other existing net2o files into this directory keeping the directory structure intact.

Create an alias to run the docker:

alias n2o="docker run -ti --rm -v ~/ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) forthy42/net2o"

If you want to run the GUI, you need to fetch

docker pull forthy42/net2o-gui

and define your alias as:

alias n2o-gui="docker run -ti --rm -v ~/ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -e USER=$USER -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -v /dev/dri:/dev/dri -v /usr/share/fonts:/usr/share/fonts -v $XAUTHORITY:/home/gforth/.Xauthority -v ~/.fonts:/home/gforth/.fonts -v ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/pulse:/run/user/1000/pulse forthy42/net2o-gui gui"

Get it in a Flatpak Container

You need flatpak for your Linux distribution. Then add the net2o flatpak repository:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists net2o

Now you can install the net2o container:

flatpak install net.net2o.net2o

Alias for the TUI:

alias n2o="flatpak run --share=network net.net2o.net2o"

Alias for the GUI:

alias n2o-gui="flatpak run --share=network --socket=x11 --device=dri --socket=pulseaudio net.net2o.net2o gui"

Your app data and config is in ~/.var/app/net.net2o.net2o

Get it in a Snap Container

I created a snap container. You need to get snap for your Linux distribution (in Ubuntu, it's already there). The snap container is currently outdated, because the build process failed to work on my Linux for some time.

Get it from the Snap Store

or the CLI way:

sudo snap install net2o

The net2o snap needs several manual connectors:

snap connect net2o:netlink-connector :netlink-connector
snap connect net2o:locale-control :locale-control
snap connect net2o:audio-record :audio-record

The netlink connector is needed to detect changing interfaces

And then set an alias

alias n2o=/snap/bin/net2o.n2o

Your data currently resides inside your ~/snap/net2o/current/ hierarchy, but that needs to change to make it more useful.

Get it for Android

You need: An Android phone with at least Android 4.0, and Gforth, either from the Play Store, or from

Get it on Google

This installs Gforth with the Gforth icons, and a ready-to-run net2o icon in the app drawer. Just tap on the net2o icon to run net2o; you'll be asked to create a key on the first run, and to open up a key on any further run.

Key information

The certificate has the SHA-1/SHA256 fingerprint and the informations as follows:

sha-1:  00:44:1B:9D:F8:0B:9D:9E:2F:68:9D:0F:B9:B4:85:28:D4:10:5C:7E
sha256: 87:21:D8:3A:FF:47:8D:50:D0:02:00:C7:06:A1:00:6A:69:1C:37:47:88:52:94:45:C7:E0:DA:8A:47:99:F2:97
CN=Bernd Paysan, OU=dev, O=net2o, L=München, ST=Deutschland, C=DE

and signs with sha1rsa2048 (Google!). If you want to verify the apk yourself, download the certificate, add it to your keyring and check:

keytool -importcert -file
jarsigner -verify -verbose Gforth.apk

Get it for Windows

Up to 2020, I did compile Gforth and net2o for Windows using Cygwin. Nowadays, all supported versions of Windows come with WSL(G), and the much better way to use net2o on Windows is via WSLG, install a Debian derived distribution to run inside WSL, and install net2o via the Debian repository. This is the historical, now obsolete way to use that:

You need: A 32/64 bit x86/amd64 Windows. You need to install Gforth from the last Snapshot first.

Then you install the last net2o snapshot.

Key information (new key for September 22th 2019)

I changed my key to a Certum smartcard based rsa2048 key, this is the first update, and I generated a new key pair for that.

These files are now signed with a sha256rsa2048 certificate with the SHA-1/SHA256 fingerprint

sha-1:  96:0b:7e:b8:cb:7f:52:f6:70:00:bf:23:5e:25:66:c9:eb:9c:d0:3c
sha256: 72:BE:1C:EE:D9:4E:20:94:92:7A:13:BC:C6:8F:7C:E9:3F:15:81:F6:6E:91:85:6B:F6:C5:E1:BA:15:22:01:DA
E =
CN = Open Source Developer, Bernd Paysan
L = München
O = Open Source Developer
C = DE

Get it for PC from source

You need: A Linux machine, Windows with Cygwin or better Cygwin64, Mac OS X with fink/brew development tools (please use GCC, don't use XCode's clang, it takes ages to compile Gforth with clang). You could also compile the Android version with Android SDK+NDK, but that's a different story.

You want to have the following packets installed: git automake autoconf make gcc libtool libtool-bin libltdl7-dev yodl emacs libpcre3-dev bison fossil (libtool-ltdl on RedHat/Centos; the libtool-bin is for Debian). Or get Fossil here: fossil

Get the do file (latest revision), put it into your net2o folder, and let it run.

mkdir net2o
cd net2o
chmod +x do

This script will ask for your root password to install Gforth and the a few libraries.

Try it