NSA Backdoor Fnord
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As you all know, it is not allowed to speak about NSA-demanded backdoors, and especially it is strictly prohibited to give any details. However, it is allowed to boldly lie about NSA-demanded backdoors if you didn't receive such a request, because you are not under a gag order, and in general, lying about the quality of your product is not only legal, but “best practice”. The purpose of this NSA backdoor fnord is to make you worry about the quality of net2o, and therefore you start looking at the source code; the topics mentioned here are all security things to consider.

Therefore, here is the official statement about NSA-demanded backdoors: -

  1. All long-lived secrets and only secrets are stored in a mlock()ed region of memory. That way, a compromized kernel or a root program can just search for that regnion, extract the secrets and send them elsewhere. Not mlock()ing such regions is risky, as they can get swapped out. Having no swap space at all is therefore a good idea, no mlock() will be performed in that mode.

  2. The FBI asked me to add a “lawful interception interface”, that allows the device to be controlled remotely with just a bit of malicious code injected from outside. They suggested to add a remote control, useable with a standard web browser. What could possibly go wrong? WhatsApp hacked (probably) through lawful interception interface.

  3. Furthermore, to detect evildoers, they asked me to add “client–side scanning”: Whatever content is delivered, is scanned after decryption, and blocked+reported if detected as evil. EFF on client–side scanning

There are (at least) two problems with client–side scanning, as the EFF already noticed. First, the client gets the algorithm to do the hashing of the image. This is not a normal hash, this is usually a fingerprint of the image, so that trivial image editing doesn't make it a different picture. If you have that algorithm on the client side, you can try several tweaks on the image until it doesn't create the same fingerprint anymore. So people who know that they are doing evil things will evade detection anyhow.

The other issue is that you don't want the client to have the list of “forbidden fingerprints”. They can use it as search entry for sharing exactly those forbidden things. So you need a server with the hashs, and a client–side query of this server to check the image. This is not privacy–preserving, as all fingerprints go to that server, so you can map published images to queries.

However, I invented a way to avoid that: Index the forbidden fingerprints, in a way that a reasonable small amount of fingerprints are in one index bucket. There are orders of magnitude more legal images with the same index. For checking a fingerprint, you send {index, salt, hash(fingerprint, salt)} to the server. The server hashes all the fingerprints with the same index with that salt, and compare to your hash(fingerprint, salt) value. This preserves your privacy, unless it's a match. Reverting that hash(fingerprint, salt) is expensive, even if you have access to the image fingerprints and the backlog of the query, because now you have to do orders of magnitude more hashes.

The last problem is that client–side scanning requires cooperation from the clients — if they just disable their code, it's ineffective. Since people unlikely want to be exposed for fetching forbidden images, but often want to not view those, it is probably better to send {[index]*, salt1} to the server, and get { salt2, [hash(fingerprint, salt1, salt2)]*} back, i.e. all hashes for the given index. The client can cache these hashes, without being able to use them for a search, and avoid downloading or showing the forbidden images. By sending not only indices it is interested in, but also others, tracing a client by index is not very likely a success, either.

As net2o is open source, you can (in theory) verify statements about actual backdoors. And keep an eye on this page, I intent to publish fnords about having official back/front/side doors, leaky roofs and tunnels regularly, but won't commit on an expicit schedule. For a true fnord to work, you always have to be wary. All the git checkins are signed.

For those interested in history, whether the NSA can force a European company to install a backdoor, see Crypto AG

What is this page for?

Software is inherently buggy — we all make mistakes. Secure networking software is even worse, because small bugs have big consequences, and security bugs usually don't affect direct functionality, and therefore can lure inside the program for a long time. And with the NSA Bullrun program, we not only have to deal with the normal, ”lazy” bugs, which don't cause any harm until found (either by honest security researcher or evil criminals), but with bugs intentionally placed, and used by the secret services from day 0.

Developing in Forth is a “crash early, crash often” exercise, but security related bugs don't crash the program.

net2o is not ready for wide-spread use, so bugs do happen, and get fixed, but the bugs described here usually are real bugs I found and fixed during development. All of them look like professionally implanted backdoors by the NSA, because that's the state of the art how to implant backdoors: It must provide its author with “reasonable denial”, claiming incompetence.

However, in order to get things right, we need a culture of accepting our mistakes, and fixing them. Many programmers deny bugs, and request at least a proof of concept attack, before they actually start doing something. This sort of culture is so wrong: As author of security critical systems, you must be constantly scared by people using every way to break into your software, and you must be ready to fix every bug, even just potential risks, before someone shows you an actual exploit.

Warrant Canary

This sort of thing I'm doing here is called “warrant canary”, named after the canaries used by miners which are more sensitive to poisonous gas leaks than humans. The thing would be impossible if the other side would say “continue with business as usual, so that nobody knows we were here”. Takedowns like the one of Lavabit (which was triggered by an NSL) or more recently by TrueCrypt (which we don't know why they did it) aren't such continuations, people can guess that the NSA was there.

There's some discussion, especially initiated by Moxie Marlinspike, whether a canary is effective, and whether a court can order you to silence (yes, they can), or to say something specific (sometimes, they can), but so far, a court has not forced anybody to give false speech on their own (instead of just answering a question with a false ”No”, because saying “yes” would violate the gag order). That's why this canary is a provable lie (i.e. even when the bugs were there, the text here is checked in with the fix). I have no idea if that actually works, and would prefer to never find out.

Intelligence Community might resort to some sort of bullying to disrupt the operation of their enemies; the NSA seems to like accusation of sexual offenses in the form of public shaming, see for example Julian Assange and Jake Appelbaum.